Category Archives: General

What To Consider Before Dating Or Remarriage

“It’s not you, it’s me.”

I sat down the two decaf Americanos from Lux on the round table in his office, just as I had several times before.  I buy the coffee and he gives me his time and good counsel at the end of his work day.

Photo Credit: - luz - via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: – luz – via Compfight cc

My friend and I had both experienced the pain of divorce, and while our stories differed we shared several commonalities.  His divorce happened nearly 20 years before mine and he was kind enough to walk the journey with me.

This meeting occurred after my divorce, and I had recently gone out on a date with a single mom – my first date since the separation and divorce.  I cannot say I was excited about the prospects of having to begin dating all over again, but I recounted the date and the woman with enthusiasm.

I described her personality, her background, her job with great care, not wanting to miss a detail, as if I intended to have my friend vote for her for some pageant or competition.

I can see my friend’s face as clearly as when we sat in his office that day.  He expressed some level of happiness just to see me so enthusiastic.  When I finished, however, he sat quietly.  He paused longer than I had expected.  Then he spoke words I would not forget and would repeat often to myself and others.

“No matter how wonderful she is and how different she is from your ex-wife, the most important factor in any successful relationship  you enter depends on how much you have changed and grown from how you were before.”

My friend knew every detail of how I contributed to my marriage’s failure.  He knew the pain and guilt.  He saw my progress.  He needed to remind me not to place the burden of a successful relationship on anyone else but me.

Both of us know it takes two.  But for me, dipping my toe back in the dating pool, the reminder was essential.

I needed to know exactly who I was in the relationship and not pretend a new face would ensure success.

Not long after, my friend moved away for work and I miss him dearly.  I want to thank him again for speaking words of wisdom and investing in me – it made a difference.

Did you begin dating again before you were ready?  How did you know when you were ready?  Who do you have in your life to give you wise counsel?

Single Fatherhood And The Letter “T”

This past week will stand out in my memory.  Had a great time with my son on Veterans Day, went on a business trip with a favorite client, saw many old friends, made new friends, and got engaged on Saturday.

So, technically, I will not qualify as a full-time dad much longer.  But this blog will continue as long as I can provide content of value to you.  Plus, every post seems to help me (and some married dads) parent a little better – remind me of some things forgotten or neglected.

Photo Credit: B Tal via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: B Tal via Compfight cc

Reserving the right to interrupt the upcoming series should something pertinent come along, I plan to take the next several weeks to address what I call the T’s of single fatherhood.  Yes, they can apply to all fathers, but we face some unique challenges and have some incredible opportunities I would like to explore with respect to these words:

  • Time
  • Touch
  • Teach
  • Train
  • Talk
  • Truth
  • Trust
  • Therapy
  • Thank
  • Thrive
  • Transform
  • Tailor

I look forward to a great conversation ahead – please join me.

Do you have a suggested “T” word to add to this list?



Welcome to Full-Time Dad

“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .’” – C.S. Lewis

I’ve been thinking about this project for a long time.  Putting words to paper (or characters to word processor) has never been difficult for me, but in this instance it has been met with resistance every step of the way.

Partly because of my failures:
I failed my marriage.
I failed my son.
I failed in my parenting.
I failed my own convictions.

I fail to see why I have any right to write any words about what I’m endeavoring to do.

However, failure (depending on how one handles it) brings a level of qualification to talk about a matter.  In my case, recognizing circumstances for what they are and actively seeking answers, wisdom, therapy, and community to move forward as a full-time, single dad.

Also, through a great community of support, I discovered my failures aren’t much different than those others have experienced.  No two stories are alike, but the similarities are shocking if you risk having the conversation.


Photo Credit: pasukaru76 via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: pasukaru76 via Compfight cc


I do not have sole custody of my son, but I do have residential custody during the school year.  As a professional, I have joined the ranks of countless women and men who have juggled work and home without the consistent aid of any partner.  And in many respects I have it easy – I just have one son…not two or three or more.  Plus, when he goes to visit my ex-wife on several occasions during the year, including an eight-week stint during the summer, I have the opportunity to catch my breath even though I miss him dearly.

To a certain extent, the name of this blog doesn’t even reflect my reality.  I’m not really a “full-time” single dad by strict definition.  But I’ve discovered most circumstances vary wildly with no two of my friends having the same situation in their full-time or part-time single parenting.

So, what do I hope to accomplish with this blog?

  • I want to help dads, like me, who weren’t sure where to turn when life hit them square in the face.
  • I want to provide helpful content to dads who have become the primary parent to their kid(s).
  • I want to share lessons I’ve learned and mistakes I’ve made.
  • I want to connect us with others who have expertise to share from their own experience or their professional life.
  • I want to be surprised by what could happen next.

One of the heroes of my faith is C.S. Lewis.  He said “Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .’”

The fact is we’re all is this together and have so much to learn from each other.  I look forward to the journey, friend, and can’t wait to see where it leads us.